Winter Road Maintenance

The Public Works department works hard to ensure roadways are maintained and kept accessible to all residents.

  • Emergency routes, main collectors and school routes take priority
  • Snow removal on the Purple and Red routes (see Priority Map here and below) could start as early as 2:00 AM.
  • Snow removal on all other routes will begin as early as 7:00 AM.
  • To see the routes, visit the Town of Olds Winter Maintenance Map. Then select the "Winter Maintenance" tab at the top of the webpage.

Winter Road Maintenance Notification and Updates

  • The Town will place signage at primary access points as per the Traffic Bylaw.

Parked Vehicles

  • Ticketing and towing will only occur on Purple routes (Uptowne) which are permanently signed. 
  • Ticketing and towing can commence any time between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM
  • See the  UPTOWNE CORE PARKING BROCHURE for overnight parking lot locations
  • On all other routes, crews will plow around vehicles parked on roadways during snow clearing efforts. This may result in your vehicle being blocked by snow piles

Towed Vehicles

How Do I Appeal A Ticket?

If you wish to appeal the Bylaw Ticket, a person charged can wait for the Bylaw Ticket to expire. Then a Provincial Ticket will be issued with a court date, and at that time the person can plead not guilty and have a trial.

Highway Services

Maintenance of Highway 27 (46 Street) and Highway 2A (46 Avenue) is done by Volker Stevin, under contract with Alberta Transportation. As these are provincial highways, they are not owned or maintained by the Town of Olds.

All requests for road maintenance on these two streets should be directed to Volker Stevin, at 888-877-6237.

Maps and More

View the interactive Town of Olds Winter Maintenance Map with our GIS System. Then select the "Winter Maintenance" tab at the top of the webpage.




Winter Road Maintenance FAQs

  • What is the Town’s role in snow and ice maintenance on roadways?

    • The Town maintains all roads in Olds, excluding Hwy 27 and Hwy 2A, that fall within Town limits. During the winter, staff work to prepare and respond to snow events as directed by the Winter Maintenance Procedure.
  • Will there be parking bans?

    • Yes. When a plow campaign is triggered a parking ban will be in place.  On-street parking restrictions are in place during plowing so our crews can clear snow more quickly and leave streets tidier and impacted by snow.  Alerts will be sent out.
  • When will residential plowing begin?

    • A residential plowing campaign will be triggered when mobility is negatively impacted, with triggering factors including, but not limited to snowfall, forecast, freeze/thaw cycles and snowpack.
  • How can I find out when plowing or clearing activities will occur?

    • We will post updates on social media, will place signage in your community and send notification alerts via email.
      • Sign up to receive alerts by email
      • Watch for No Parking signs around your neighborhood. Signs are placed at neighborhood entrances.
      • Red and Purple are designated snow routes and therefore will not have additional signage.
  • Who clears mailboxes?

    • Canada Post clears snow in front of community mailboxes. Visit their website to submit an online request to have an area cleared.
  • Which roads get cleared first?

    • Roads are addressed based on a priority system to ensure the highest traffic roadways are maintained first. Priorities are established to provide the greatest benefit to much of the travelling public.
      • Purple – Uptowne Core, Parking Lots
      • Red – Emergency Services, Main Collectors, Schools
      • Yellow – Secondary Collectors
      • Green – Residential
  • What if my area is prone to flooding?

    • Preventative measures will be taken to mitigate flooding risks during spring melt. These measures include clearing of catch basin covers, removal of excessive amounts of snow in drainage ditches, or other key areas, and the de-icing of culverts using steaming techniques.  If you are having issues, please submit a request via our Report a Problem service.
  • What are my responsibilities when it comes to clearing snow?

    • Removing your vehicle from the street during or in advance of heavy snowfall. Doing so will allow snow removal equipment to move through as quickly as possible.
    • Wait for signage and prepare for plowing to take place soon thereafter.
    • Clear the sidewalk adjacent to your property.  Do not shovel snow onto the road.
    • Always grant right of way to snow removal equipment. Stay back and give operators as much room as possible.
    • Be patient! Staff work hard to ensure roads are clear and safe for travel and do their best with the resources and personnel available.
  • How do we prevent slippery roads?

    • A sand-salt mixture will be applied to roadways to assist in providing traction when there is snow and/or ice on the roadway, and it becomes hazardous to public safety. The sand in the mixture provides traction and, although road salt on its own is effective at melting the snow and ice, it is only effective at temperatures above -10. Road salt is mixed with the sand material to prevent moisture in the sand from freezing.
  • Are back lanes/alleys plowed?

    • Back lanes and alleys are not regularly plowed.  Areas which experience high drift conditions will be addressed as required.
    • However, if you believe an alley or back lane has become a public safety concern, please submit a request via our Report a Problem service.
  • Where do I find information about Parks, Trails, & Pathway Winter Maintenance?